Anxious to make the most of their day off following Heritage Day, the girls, of their own accord, decided to spend the day feeding the poor and homeless around Plumstead and Wynberg. A team of six girls made the food along with a St. Michael’s care worker, Kholiwe. Three girls made forty peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, while the others prepared a large pot of creamy vegetable soup.

After all the food was ready to go, most of the St Mike’s girls, as well as Kholiwe and three volunteers, set off to find people in need. The girls led the way, walking down the main street, stopping intermittently to hand warm soup and sandwiches to the many hungry and homeless on the streets. They bantered with several of the passing residents and kept smiles on their faces for the entirety of their walk. They didn’t stop until every last drop was gone, and only then did they turn back to take a well-deserved rest.
It is encouraging to see the girls so willingly apply the values that St Michael’s instils in them to their surrounding community. It is our hope that this motivates them, as well as others, to continue with selfless acts of service in the future.